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on the blog

you may noticed that i'm making some half-arsed political statement on my stupid website about video games. might not do much, but if one person under some repressive government can read snippets of banned websites while looking for information about cheap japanese games, it was worth it. maybe. what? no i'm not updating while somewhat intoxicated. i would never do that. shame on you for suggesting such a thing. super next update might have something to do with taiwan, but don't count on it. there are other things i might be inclined to say here, but this isn't some damn blog or something. maybe i c⋮⋮⋮⋮⋮⋮⋮⋮⋮⋮⋮⋮⋮⋮⋮⋮⋮these drunken ramblings are now lost in the mists of time...

posted by taizou at on 21/07/2006 in uncategorised


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If you would like to contact the author I can be reached by the contact methods here, or you can visit my other sites at 12bit club. ~taizou