just a quick sort of survey... esque thing - if you're using IE6 to view this site, could you leave a comment on this post? looking at my stats it seems to be the most popular individual browser version used here, but I know this site is visited by a lot of spambots - the no. 1 referrer at the moment is a porn site, i guess either thats spam related or they mistakenly linked here and i'm getting a lot of disappointed visitors at the moment :D
so i'm just curious to know whether lots of my human visitors are genuinely still using IE6, or if its proliferation is just down to spambots faking their user agent. thanks!
btw genuine updates are most definitely nearly here this time. Probably.
its a browser, Internet Explorer 6. It'll say something like "IE6 version" in the top left of this page if youre using it. Or it should, if I didn't fuck up the coding.