i just feel i should mention this for anyone who may still be visiting this site, since it's been five months or so since the last update - this site isn't dead. absolutely not. stuff will be forthcoming. some recent developments have forced me to completely rethink this thing i was working on, and i'm still not sure how, or indeed if, i want to proceed with the thing as a whole, but all its various parts can still pretty much stand alone with a bit of extra explanation tacked onto them, so it'll probably appear in some form or another. then there's the other thing that will take ages simply because it's getting quite tedious and i'd rather do something else, and the other other thing that most likely won't get off the ground, but you can probably disregard that particular thing anyway since it's almost entirely unrelated to the rest of the crap on here. and of course there's always the weird tangents i go off on from time to time. anyway all kinds of shit is going on in the world, go and check it out, i'll be back later.