Magic Jigsaw
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©2006-2009 taizou.
not affiliated with or endorsed by bit corporation, UMC, gamtec or whoever (if anyone) owns the gamate rights these days

impressions & screenshots courtesy Jonathan Lux

I have no idea if the premise of Magic Jigsaw is original or not, but it goes like this: Your charactor (a scientist?) who has a visable bald spot, has to run a round a maze gathering up pieces of a puzzle (which when connected form an image (level 1 cartoon cat, Level 2 Motorcycle, Level 3 bikini model??) depending on your orientation to the piece in question, A pulls it while B pushes. There are some creatures locked in the maze with you that you have to avoid as well. If you hit pause, you can see the completed puzzle, but the timer speeds way the hell up (to encourage quick peeks only). Only played briefly. seems that you have access to several time and difficulty options as well.

(central spot where the puzzle is assembled)

Additional Images

Italian box back (closeup)
Card (from ruten)
Italian box front (from ebay)