you should totally all go out right now and buy the latest issue of Retro Gamer (the one with Rainbow Islands on the cover, which surely makes it worth buying anyway). theres this whole article about the Gamate by Damien McFerran, with assistance from yours truly :D
in related news I am definitely going to update the whole Gamate section soon. i swear!
Cah4e3 has dumped one of my Famicom carts, the Asder 20 in 1, which is totally awesome. get it here! Its a multicart by Asder with a few previously undumped games on it. Can't say I ever paid that much attention to Asder/NTDEC/Mega Soft/Caltron/etc etc, but they made some reasonably fun shit over the years, much of which is represented here (you won't find any of their later/larger games, mindyou). Bastards ruined Pokey though.
I actually recorded a bunch of footage of this one before it was dumped with the intention of putting it on youtube, but you might as well just play it for yourself now. so yeah! do it.
the super a'can is emulated! :O
seriously. in mess. (and about two weeks ago, i just feel like i should mention it here ... and i'll probably update my stupid super a'can temporary information page to reflect these developments too.)
three roms are available so far: boomzoo, super dragonforce and sonic dragon. boomzoo is completely playable and i can get to the menu before a battle in super dragonforce (it's probably possible to pass that bit, i just don't know what i'm doing), though both lack sound and have certain graphical glitches, and sonic dragon doesn't work at all. screenshots ahoy:
so yes! good times to be a fan of weird obscure old taiwanese game systems. speaking of which, maybe the gamate could be next? it won't be, but it could be.
Fucking SUNSOFT is back! I love Sunsoft. Although they never really went away. They were only hibernating; waiting for the right moment to re-emerge. And that moment is now! They've re-established a US publishing presence in association with Vic Ireland's Gaijinworks - which in itself sounds pretty excellent, even though I don't live there - but I'm pretty confident that the inevitable success of this venture will bring all the original Sunsoft developers back together to revive the Hebereke franchise as the definitive best thing ever and the global megahit it always should have been. There'll be a movie and everything, you mark my words.